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江苏教师招聘:初中英语《Do you have a soccer ball?》说课稿

http://jiangsu.hteacher.net 2024-07-12 13:34 江苏教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

Good morning, dear judges! I’m very glad to be here to present my class today. I’m number 1 candidate applying for middle school English teacher. And my topic today is Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? In order to make my presentation much clearer, I’m going to divide it into 6 parts, that is, the analysis of teaching materials, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.

Analysis of Teaching Material

First of all, I will give a brief analysis of teaching material. The topic of this unit is “Do you have a soccer ball?”, which is the unit 5 of Book A of Grade 7, published by PEP. The main content is about sports. The topic is closely related to our daily life and it is practical for students to learn it.

Teaching Objectives

Given the analysis of teaching materials, the teaching objectives are designed as follows:

1. Students can speak and read the new words such as volleyball, soccer ball, basketball, ping-pong bat and so on.

2. Students can use the sentence pattern “Do you have a soccer ball? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t” to talk about ownership.

3. Students will be able to talk about ownership and improve their listening and speaking ability by completing these class activities.

4. Students can cultivate the interests in sports.

Teaching Key and Difficult Points

Based on the objectives, I make the teaching key points and difficult points as follows:

Using the words volleyball, soccer ball, basketball, ping-pong bat and so on and the sentence pattern to talk about ownership are the key points of this lesson. And using the sentence pattern to communicate with others in the real life is the teaching difficult point.

Analysis of Students

After the analysis of teaching material, now let me analyze the students. Students in grade 7 are around age of 15. With the increase of their age, students’ cognitive capacity has been improved significantly and their abstract thinking ability is developing quite obviously. They can control themselves much better and can be more focus on language study. They have contained some basic knowledge of this topic “sports”. But their ability of communicating in English is still need to be improved. Students can learn more words and sentences to improve their language ability through self-study and cooperative study.

Teaching Method

According to the analysis of teaching materials and students, I am going to arrange my lesson by mainly adopting the task-based language teaching method, communicative approach, and situational approach. Because modern foreign language teaching emphasizes that students should be encouraged to develop effective learning strategies and autonomous learning abilities by means of experiencing, practicing, participating, exploring and cooperating under the teacher’s guidance.

Learning Method

Students will acquire the English knowledge and to improve their English skills by autonomic learning, cooperating, exploring, and so on.

Teaching Procedures

According to the above analysis, teaching procedures –the most important part are designed as follows:

Step 1: Lead-in

For this step, first, I will Sing an English song about Olympics named One World One Dream. Then I will encourage students to sing the song with me together. And I will ask a question: Who can tell me the background of the song?

The purpose of this step is to elicit the topic of sports and to arouse the interests of students.

Step 2: Presentation

In this step, I will draw some pictures of volleyball, soccer ball, basketball, ping-pong bat on the blackboard one by one and ask a question: What’s this? Students may give me their answers. Then I will write these words on the blackboard and ask students to read after me for several times. Next, I will ask students to match the words with the things in the picture. After finishing the task in 1a, students should listen to the tape and circle the words they hear in 1b. Then I will ask student “Do you have a volleyball/soccer ball/basketball/ping-pong bat?” and guide them to answer “Yes, I do. No, I don’t.” And by asking the same question, the sentence can be trained.

This step is designed to present today’s new knowledge: new words and sentence pattern in a natural way. Students will have their first impression of the new phrases and new sentence pattern, which is the necessary input of this lesson.

Step 3: Practice

For this step, I have 2 activities. Activity 1: Guessing game. The teacher does the action and students guess what teachers are doing in English. In this way, students can practice the new words. Activity 3: Role play. Ask students to work in pairs to role-play the conversation.

In this way, the new words and sentence patterns will be fully practiced by games and making dialogue, which make the class interesting

Step 4: Consolidation

In this step, I will ask students to do a survey. Four students work as a group to do a survey about the ownership of the members in their groups. Each group will choose a student as the journalist who will ask: Do you have a basketball? And the other students will answer: Yes, I do or no, I don’t. Then I will invite someone to make a report.

The task-based language teaching method adopted in this step will help to develop students’ communication skills.

Step 5: Summary

Students summarize what they have learned in this class. Then I will make some supplements and ask students to keep good habit of exercise.

Thus, students can summarize what the learned and teacher can check the effect of the class and make plans for the next class. And students can live a healthier life.

Step 6: Homework

For the final part of this lesson, I will ask students to review the new words and sentence we have learned today. They also need to ask their parents what kind of balls they have.

By doing the homework, students can strength what they have learned after class. And they can use the key sentence and word in the real life.

Blackboard Design

After finishing the part of teaching procedure, I will come to the last part: design of the blackboard. As you can see, I draw some pictures and write the key sentence pattern on the blackboard.

By looking at the blackboard, it is helpful and vivid for students to get the main content of this lesson clearly and quickly.








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